Title: Trauma
Author: Michael Palmer, Daniel Palmer
Genre: Medical Thriller
Pages: 384
Synopsis: Dr. Carrie Bryant's four years as a neurosurgical resident at White Memorial Hospital have earned her the respect and admiration from peers and staff alike. When given the chance of performing her first unsupervised brain surgery, Carrie jumps at the opportunity. What should have been a routine, hours long operation, turns horribly wrong and jeopardizes her patient's life. Emotionally and physically drained, Carrie is rushed back to the OR to assist in a second surgery. There, she makes a careless and tragic mental error resulting in irreparable brain damage to her second patient. With her confidence shattered, Carrie quits her residency and moves back home where her younger brother, Adam, a combat vet suffering from debilitating PTSD, also lives.When Carrie learns about an experimental program at the VA Medical Center exploring the use of Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) that could forever cure the emotional and memory trauma of PTSD, it seems like a way back into medicine. Her first surgery appears to be a success until her patient mysteriously vanishes. When a second patient also goes missing, Carrie employees the investigative skills of David, and together they descend into a labyrinth of murder and corruption. And the price Carrie might pay for asking the wrong questions could be her life.
This was exactly what I expected, but the ending was a surprised. It was a little ruined by my mother who also read it. Some of the characters where a little stiff and I wasn't honestly fond of Carrie. She was just an odd character for me to process. Not too bad though. That being said I find it touching that his son wrote this after his dad had plotted it out and passed away suddenly. Not too bad!
My reaction in an image:
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