No Bite

0.0/5.0 bites.
Just, wow. This book was so bad or so misery inducing that I was unable even to finish it. It is rare that I say this, but I wouldn't advise even my worst enemy to read this book. This rating is the rarest.
Half A Bite
A book may be rated this if I got most of the way through it and couldn't finish, it had a problem that made it bad, such as enormous plot holes or just bad writing. I may have finished the book, but I found hardly any enjoyment in it. I am expecting this rating to be rare, but it’s there.
1.0/5.0 bites.
I finished this book, and while I would never boast about reading it, I did actually finish which counts for something. This may be rated this low because I just didn't understand the book, it was in a genre that I don’t read as often and was not easy to follow, or I just plain didn't like it. I hope this rating is somewhat rare.
One & A Half Bites
This is not the book you are looking for. While I had to complain about books, this is one that I didn’t get or was hard to read. I am not saying that I didn't like it, but that I had to really work at reading it and it detracted from the entire experience. Rating frequency undetermined.
Two Bites
While I may have had good expectations for this book, it simply fell short. This is not to say that you may not enjoy it, but it was not what I hoped for and in fact left me feeling rather disappointed. We can hope this rating is rarely used.
Two & A Half Bites
2.5/5.0 bites.
I somewhat enjoyed this book, but sometimes I had to put it down, and not in a good way. If you are interested in this book, I say go for it, but I cannot say I recommend it without several asterisks and exceptions. This rating is somewhat common.
Three Bites
3.0/5.0 bites.
I enjoyed this book, but I wouldn't probably read it again. I would not speak ill of this book, but if it isn’t in a genre you like, I also wouldn't recommend it to you. This is a fairly common rating.
Three & A Half Bites
3.5/5.0 bites.
I enjoyed this book and I would generally recommend it to someone if they asked me specifically about it. This rating is somewhat common.
Four Bites
4.0/5.0 bites.
I thoroughly enjoyed this book and if someone were looking for a book in this genre then I would recommend it. This is a somewhat common rating.
Four & A Half Bites
4.5/5.0 bites.
I enjoyed this book. I would really recommend it if this is in a genre you like or if it wasn't in a genre you liked, but want to try reading a book in a different genre then you might. I am likely to read this book again someday. This is a fairly rare yet becoming more common rating.
Five Bites

5.0/5.0 bites.
This book is one of the best that I have ever read. I would recommend this to anyone and everyone even if this book isn't a genre that you normally read. I would read this book over again, and probably will in the not too distant future. This is a perhaps too common rating, but when I rate it this high, I mean it.